Friday, August 1, 2008

Jeannie Moos strikes again

CNN correspondent Jeannie Moos specializes in the shockingly inane.

Here she is with her latest opus, a piece on the "Montauk Monster."

Note Moos' Austin Powers jokes, Leno-style man-on-the-street antics, distinctly grating voice, and shameless ability to lunge on camera as much as possible. Such are the trusty tools in Moos' journalistic toolkit.

There may be a time and place for fluff-mongers, but CNN during an election year isn't it. It'd be one thing if she were funny. Even then, there's no justification for CNN wasting its resources on segments in which a woman walks around "the concrete beaches of Manhattan" with a beach ball and pail, showing random people a picture of some gross thing found over 100 miles away.

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