Wednesday, July 23, 2008

McCain Pun Mania

If you read the Huffington Post, Daily Kos, or any political site that allows users to leave comments, you've no doubt read a sentence featuring the word "McSame."

This is one of many, many nicknames low-level Internet activists have churned out for the Arizona senator. "McSame" is the most popular, but there are countless others. Here are some other gems I've come across:

McBlame (Get it? He's to blame for Iraq 'cause he voted for the war!)
McBush (Get it? Bush's third term!)
McFlame (Get it? He's a hothead!)
McCane (Get it? 'Cause he's so old he needs a cane to walk!)
McThuseluh (OK, that one's actually kind of funny)

As you might tell from that last one, you can make a John McCain pun out of anything, really. I've even seen such clever turns of phrase as "McOld," "McLoser," and "McBombBombBombBombBombIran."

Let me know if I've missed any.

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